Fundamental Physics

here is free test on simple circuit and electricity.

simple circuit and electricity




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#1. In a potentiometer experiment, when the galvanometer shows no deflection, then no current flows through

#2. The total resistance in parallel combination of three resistances 9Ω, 7Ω and 5Ω is:

#3. If 2 Ampere current flows for 5 minutes, the amount of charge that crosses the cross-section of a conductor is:

#4. Which of the following devices is used to measure the electric current?

#5. Ohm's law is valid when the temperature of the conductor is ___________

#6. When the length and area of cross-section both are doubled, then its resistance

#7. ‘The instrument among the following which measures the emf of a cell most accurately is

#8. A wire of resistance 42 is stretched to twice its original length. The resistance of stretched wire would be

#9. If an electron revolves in the path of radius of 0.5 × 10^-10 m at a frequency of 5 × 10^15 cycles s-1, then the electric current in the circle is:

#10. The current in a conductor varies with time t as I = 2t + 3t2 A, where I is ampere and t is in seconds. Electric charge flowing through a section of the conductor during t = 2 sec to t = 3 sec is:


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